Thursday, December 11, 2014

How Do I Do Christmas?

     So just 1 month ago, I was here...... in Haiti.

It looks like a tropical paradise, and in many ways it is just that.  But it is also one of the poorest countries on earth, at an annual per capita domestic product of $1300 compared to the US at $58,000 per American citizen. And this difference of affluence from a 1 1/2 hour flight from Miami International Airport.

So here I sit on my comfortable couch, with working bathrooms, and plenty of food in my I make my Christmas shopping list.

I'm trying to reconcile in my mind and heart about this upcoming celebration. The time and money I will spend in preparing for this day. I cannot fix the problems in Haiti. I can hardly even begin to understand the depth of the issues there. I certainly don't have the money to make much of a difference in the day to day lives of my friends on La Gonave.

I will continue to share what I have. I will teach my children to be thankful for all of their blessings. I will teach them that they have a responsibility for being born in this time and place of fortune to share with others. I will teach them to work and study hard, so that they can continue on this path of a blessed life and help others on the way. 

So how do I do Christmas this year? I will wait with great anticipation for Christmas morning. I will decorate, bake, and wrap presents. All in preparation for the greatest day of the year.....our Lord's birthday. 

But what about my friends in Haiti this Christmas? I'm sure their celebration won't look like ours. It will probably be more along the lines of the early Christian celebrations....simple and pure. Not many distractions. Hopefully at least a big meal. My thoughts and prayers will be with them on that beautiful island. I will not forget them. I will continue to help support and bring awareness to their needs.

The Haitian people on La Gonave have given me a gift that could only come through experience. The gift of friendship.....even with a language barrier....through their smiles, hard work, dedication and laughter. If anyone is interested in practical ways to help, please see the blog post "Give The Gift of Life".  If there is not any extra in your Christmas budget this year, please just keep Haiti in your prayers. A Christmas wish where all of God's children have access to basic needs.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


     If this Christmas you feel called to give a gift that will out last the latest fads and will have a life giving impact.....please consider one of these! Help a community in Haiti this Christmas season and honor someone with your gift in return. The gift card shown below can be used for this purpose.

     The gift of EDUCATION. Help break the cycle of poverty by supporting education for children in    need. $30 for 1 month of school and 1 nutritious meal a day.

LIFE SAVING FOOD - Your gift will help provide food for the children who are at risk of physical and mental impairment from chronic hunger in Pointe-a-Raquette.  $60

EMERGENCY FUND - Your gift will be directed to where it is most needed in the community. $100

SHELTER AND CLOTHING FUND - Your gift will help provide refuge by repairing roofs, providing blankets and clothing for those in need. $10

SCHOOL SUPPLY FUND - Your gift will provide teaching supplies, textbooks, toys, sporting equipment and more. $25
This is the school "library".

HEALTH FUND - Your gift can help provide medical supplies and delivery of critical care based on the community's specific needs.  $30

FUND A BUSINESS LOAN - Your gift will help the community invest in a business to grow and help sustain and provide for the community.  $50

Community leaders in Pointe-a-Raquette

Feel free to donate any amount to help with these needs. You may mail a check to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 118 N. New St., Staunton, VA 24401. Make checks payable to "Haiti Outreach Ministry".
Make a comment to which "Fund" you would like your donation to go towards!

If you would like a "Gift Card" to sign and give as a gift to honor someone in particular, please email Lisa Olshove at or leave a comment below with your name and address and I will mail one out to you!

THANK YOU for your support!


The Haiti Outreach Ministry at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church